Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Once was Blind

So, this post is a little late... but better late than never!

When I heard we had to do blind contour self-portraits  I was relieved. For one, it is pretty simple and two, it is pretty easy and not hard to mess up.
I have done countless in the past before, so this was not new to me. The human face is my favorite thing to create and again, I have drawn/painted/sculpted countless of faces. Even though my faces looked deformed, there were still some on point things I would say. I was really happy that I could tell that it was a human face. I remember back in high-school where I would draw my friends and the outcome was just scary. Practice makes perfect, I guess!

If I had to pick a favorite I would probably say my ink brush one... I think it was the closest one that actually looked remotely like me. I seriously would love to do this project again, maybe next time drawing my friends or something like that.

Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of them and I have already turned them in for homework. (I actually think I get them back today.) But if I get the chance I'll show them.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Drawing 1: Assignment #1

After spending about 3 or so hours, maybe more, on my first drawing 1 assignment I can say that I'm what I would consider finished.
At first it seemed a bit challenging and complex but as I broke down my composition things became simpler and I started to enjoy each line I made. I believe this helped me open my eyes to a knew way of using lines in different shades and variations. I never would have thought to ever try to execute anything like this so in that sense it was a new challenge. I feel like I completed it and did what was required for this particular assignment.
I think the purpose for this assignment may have been to be more aware of what a single line can do and what a series of lines can do. Each one can make a bold statement and stand on it's own. Putting them all together is when the story unfolds for the viewer.